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VIDEOS! Queen + Adam Lambert Asia Tour @ Hong Kong 9-28-16 Part 2

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Posted at : Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS



Nanbert said...

Amazing show!! That was Adam X 2! It seems to me he's been more physically animated and flamboyant on this tour....does it go with the green hair?

But, what I like about his moves is that they relate to the music, and seem "natural". He's not just tearing about and waving his arms.

Also, he extends his moves almost always to their full extension (like a dancer), which adds drama to them----- and also explains why so many photos taken of him during a performance result in such dramatic shots.

Brian's guitar inhabits his head and heart... but Roger's drums inhabit his body. Watch him.

Then there's the VOICE...fuller, richer, deeper, stronger.... or is that just my imagination?

What a treat to see/hear/watch him evolve!!!!! Buoyed now by such self-knowledge and confidence! And supported by the strength and musical genius of Queen.